Heat Pump Troubleshooting
For issues with your ductless heat pump system, please refer to the following link for a few general troubleshooting instructions, videos, guides, manuals and help centers before sending in a service request with the appliance manufacturer.
Warranties on our workmanship for your home.
Provident is proud to build a quality home inside and out. Depending on your type of home, we offer a third party warranty best suited to meet your needs. All of our warranties provide you with:
First Year service on defective materials and workmanship.
Shortly after your closing day, you will receive a package from the third party warranter outlining items covered on your home for warranty service during the first year of occupancy/ownership. As your home settles into its new environment you will likely notice the occasional issue that needs to be addressed. Keep a list through the first 11 months of occupancy and contact us and the warranty provider to request an appointment to review your concerns. Provident will arrange service for any item that qualifies according to the terms of the warranty provider.
You may discover an issue with a major material in your home after one year that is not covered under warranty by Provident. We will always do our best to direct you to any suppliers or tradespeople that may offer additional warranties on their products beyond the first year (ie., roof shingles, windows, etc.) for you to contact.
Extended service for major structural defects as defined by the warranty provider.
Major structural defects are the main cause for concern in purchasing a new home because the cost of repairs can be excessive. All of Provident’s homes are warranted by a third party to ensure that these defects will be taken care of without undue hardship to the homeowner. The nature of these defects are outlined by the warranty provider in the documentation they provide shortly after closing.
For more information about the warranties offered on Provident homes, please visit our providers or refer to their performance standards provided by them with a closing mailout LUX Residential Warranty Program